We had a wonderful turnout for the 4th Annual Friendsgiving Tournament (2nd under the Culpeper Pickleball Club name) on October 21st. The weather and scenery were perfect except for the occasional bouts of wind gusts. The round robin format was a resounding success and everyone played incredible games lifting their skill levels and displaying great sportsmanship. The club also collected over 6 boxes of food to donate to the Culpeper Food Closet in the spirt of Friendsgiving/Thanksgiving. Thank you all for your generosity! At the end of play, we gathered for a pot luck to recount the day’s competition, enjoy great food and company.

Flight B players!

Flight B players!

Flight A participants!

Flight A participants!

Your Flight B Winners! (From Left to Right)Bronze: Dennis McMullen and Joseph Peck
Gold: Judy Mullins and Becky Jones
Silver: Kaeli Somerville and Julia Peck

Your Flight B Winners! (From Left to Right) Bronze: Dennis McMullen and Joseph Peck Gold: Judy Mullins and Becky Jones Silver: Kaeli Somerville and Julia Peck

Your Flight A winners! (From Left to Right)Silver: Ryan Barnhurst and Mike Fabling
Gold: Holly Binkert and Antony Rozwadowski
Bronze: John Bridges and Larry Horner

Your Flight A winners! (From Left to Right) Silver: Ryan Barnhurst and Mike Fabling Gold: Holly Binkert and Antony Rozwadowski Bronze: John Bridges and Larry Horner

Over 6 boxes of food donated to The Culpeper Food Closet! Way to help our community CPC!

Over 6 boxes of food donated to The Culpeper Food Closet! Way to help our community CPC!

A great way to end a day of tournament play, with friends.

A great way to end a day of tournament play, with friends.